Displaying tweets concerning the Swedish Tax Agency Skatteverket in a dashboard

The picture above comes from the dashboard that contains data from twitter concerning the Swedish Tax Agency, “Skatteverket”, that I created.

I used Python and R in this project. Python was used to download around 4 2000 old tweets that mentions “Skatteverket”, I was able to do this by using the package GetOldTweets3 in Python.

I used R and the package Rtweet to download data from the official account of Skatteverket. The reason I had to use Python to download twitter data is that Rtweet can only download the 14 recent days tweets that mentions a word. But Rtweet can download every tweet from a twitter account and was therefore perfect to use when analyzing the account of Skatteverket.

The next step was to visualize and create a dashboard. Python have some good options for this however, R is according to me much better because we can use Shiny and Flexdashboard which is easy to use and offers all visualizations that you can do in R.

The live dashboard can be viewed on this link: Link to the dashboard However, the dashboard takes a while to load so please have patient.
