The picture above comes from the dashboard that contains data from twitter concerning the Swedish Tax Agency, “Skatteverket”, that I created.
I used Python and R in this project. Python was used to download around 4 2000 old tweets that mentions “Skatteverket”, I was able to do this by using the package GetOldTweets3 in Python.
I used R and the package Rtweet to download data from the official account of Skatteverket.
The picture above is from the live dashboard that I created.
This was a fun project for me because I learned so much and used many different tooltips! The mission was to extract data from a website that contains information on figure skaters from all over the world.
I used Python in order to scrape the data by using Beautiful Soup and Pandas, I also cleaned the data in Python.
Web scraping Lund University for the student papers.
Lund University has this website: Student Papers. I used R with packages such as Rvest to gather the data and Rselium to loop trough some of the webpages.
I had to first collect the ID of every student paper and then create two loops for downloading the data. The first loop downloaded a dataframe that consist of data such as Author Names, Faculty, Department, title of the paper, Language, Year it was pubslihed and so on.